Yes, PINT (People In Need Today) is a registered charity. Our charity number is 1199209

PINT (People In Need Today) was founded in 2006 by Cee who worked on a grassroot level mentoring young kids and teenagers in South London gangs. As the organisation expanded and became more involved with homelessness and those in need the charity then became incorporated in June 2022.

PINT helps those that are homeless and struggling to make ends meet, this can range from single parents, to elderly and vulnerable individuals to those struggling with disabilities. As a small charity our work prides itself on supporting those who find themselves in desperate last-minute situations that are unavoidable.

Our outreach team work relentlessly covering various areas of London walking the streets helping those in need 7 days a week. Our services have also been functional in other parts of the U.K. such as Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol and Brighton.

You can support our work by volunteering, sharing or donating, as a small organisation we are always looking for members to join our team and help those who need it most.

PINT (People In Need Today) prides itself on transparency and all our accounts are submitted to the charity commission which are publicly available. We also work closely with donors in ensuring that any donations are utilised in the best and most effective manner to benefit all those in need as well as the donor themselves. "You will see where your donation is going."

You can volunteer your time by visiting our volunteers form or emailing us at pintgiving@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yes, you can set up weekly or monthly plans with us via our website which is only a matter of a few clicks.